EquiSync Program Basic Usage / Instructions / Tips

In terms of which order to use the CDs/tracks, this is what we recommend:

A. Structured, progressive approach:

If you would like a more structured routine then here is what we suggest (depending on the version that you have):

Latest Release (Third Edition): 18 tracks x 3 days each ≈ 60 days
Ensuing Release (Second Edition): 27 tracks x 2 days each ≈ 60 days
Initial Release (First Edition): 9 tracks x 6 days each ≈ 60 days

Once you have completed the full series (from the first alpha track to the final delta track), you can then focus on your favorite tracks indefinitely, switching them up as you wish. EquiSync provides enough brainwave stimulation for a lifetime of fresh meditative gains.

B. Intuitive, preferential approach:

This is the approach to which most gravitate, especially our most successful users. Simply put, experiment with some/all of the tracks for your particular series, and focus on what you like and/or what gives you the greatest benefit. You will quickly find that certain tracks / brainwave frequencies really resonate with you. And so, put your time and energy into what works. Much like physical exercise, meditation has an endless staircase of benefits.

While doing a two month structured program may be a good way to get started, you will ultimately switch over to the intuitive method at some point on your meditative journey. Focusing your time/effort on just a handful of tracks (that you really like) is perhaps the key to the greatest benefits because ultimately, consistency matters more than anything. If you enjoy your daily meditation session then you will naturally be consistent with it.

Further reading: If you would like in-depth (mindfulness) meditation instructions then we recommend this overview. Otherwise, a more abbreviated version is outlined below.

Basic Meditation Technique

Here are some tips and techniques to maximize your results with the program.

Body position

Find a quiet, comfortable place with few distractions. You don't need to sit in a traditional meditative position for the technology to be effective. The point is to be comfortable so that your thoughts are not focused on your physical position (ie discomfort). Sitting on a recliner, chair, cushion, or sofa works particularly well (it’s ok to lean your weight against something). Whatever is normal and natural for you. If you must lay down, do your best to stay awake and aware, it's possible but requires much more focus. If you find yourself falling asleep then switch to a seated position.

Staying awake

It's important to note that a powerful function of meditation is to bridge the conscious and subconscious mind, giving you access to a whole new world of possibilities, potentials, and benefits. This is impossible if you shut down your conscious awareness (i.e. falling asleep). Although many dreamlike images flash in your mind's eye during each session, staying awake is key. We recommend a relaxed but alert seated posture.


Use stereo headphones. This is very important. Open air speakers should not be used because each ear must perceive different tones for the technology to work. Headphones that enclose most of the ear are recommended. An inexpensive alternative are earbuds/earphones, the kind that fit inside the ear canal.

Audio settings

Play EquiSync track. If your audio player has bass boost (not common these days), make sure it's turned off. EquiSync was designed to be listened to at a comfortable volume. Not loud, not soft, just a medium, pleasant volume. The technology does not need to be loud to be effective.

Close your eyes, relax.

Let EquiSync do all the work.

Mindful breathing

Be mindful of your breathing. If you're taking long deep breaths, notice that you're taking long deep breaths. If you're taking short shallow breaths, notice that you're taking short shallow breaths. Follow your breath, inhaling and exhaling as much as you need to. Focus your attention on the breath without trying to control it. Let the breath breathe itself.

Thought detachment

If your mind scatters into stressful or fear based thoughts, always come back to the breath. Once you get more and more relaxed, notice how much less oxygen and breathing your body requires. You're learning how all thoughts, from troubling to harmonious, affect your physiology and respiratory rate. Once you become more experienced with meditation, stressful/troubling/fear based thoughts will have little to no effect on you. You can maintain this mental harmony even if the world around you is in total chaos.

Having a busy mind is ok

A common complaint of beginning meditators is that they think they are unsuccessful because they cannot stop thoughts from arising. They think their thoughts and their minds should automatically move into thoughtless peace. The truth is, having thoughts during meditation is perfectly natural and normal, not a problem. In fact, that’s what's supposed to happen! How you handle the thoughts is how mindfulness meditation works. Whenever you notice that your mind wanders or gets distracted by your thoughts, you simply bring your attention back to the breath. In time, your thoughts will slow down, and when you do have thoughts they will have much less effect on your mind/brain/body.

Sensations & intense emotions are all acceptable

Like thoughts, sensations such as sounds, aches, itches and tingles are natural and normal, very acceptable. Allow them to be. When these sensations lead to disagreeable thoughts, such as: “I wish that car driving on my street wasn’t so loud”, then consider that like any other thought. Simply return your attention to your breath. In daily life and in meditation, powerful emotions can sometimes lead to being overwhelmed by intense thoughts and feelings. If this happens the solution is to be mindful of the changing physical sensations within the body when the emotion occurs. Simply observe the fluctuating nature of these sensations, without judgment. Return to the breath. The sense of being overwhelmed will be replaced with interest or even curiosity about the experience.

Session length

We recommend sessions of 20-30 minutes per day (the full length of one track). Consistency is key, we recommend daily use for maximum benefit.

Mind awake, body asleep state

A main goal when using EquiSync is to achieve what we call the "mind awake, body asleep" state which is where much of the healing and balancing takes place. Sometimes it takes 10 minutes (or more for beginners) to achieve this state. The more times a person uses the technology, the shorter the amount of time it takes to achieve the "mind awake, body asleep" state (meditative state) as described below:

A. Characteristics

I. The body feeling heavy, completely relaxed along with
II. The mind being awake and conscious causing
III. Breathing to slow down dramatically and
IV. Thoughts starting to have less frequency and less physiological response within the body

In this trance-like state of consciousness you can effortlessly find life solutions, release stubborn dysfunctional thought patterns, dig deep into your intuition, have creative visualization & insights, naturally balance your body’s chemistry, heal yourself on the deepest levels, and much more. Your goal for every EquiSync session is to achieve this state, if even just for a few minutes, you will see great benefits: physical, psychological, mental, and emotional.

Melting layers of psychological baggage

People often experience the liberation of stubbornly resistant dysfunctional psychological/emotional issues, memories, and thoughts. These are problems that are often repressed subconsciously and come to the surface for a reason. They need to be set free, and meditation releases them. You will find stress has less and less of an effect on you not only in meditation but also in everyday life. Additionally, you will become more and more resilient in dealing with future trying circumstances and situations.

Observing your thoughts

Let your thoughts flow through you with no passing judgment. Detach from them. Witness them. Monitor them. Observe as your mental chatter and habitual impulses become less and less while the time between each thought becomes longer and longer. This will carry over to your non-meditative state. Eventually the "moment" and the "now" will be everpresent as you maintain a strong clarity of thought throughout your day.

Only the beginning

If we had to give one piece of advice, don't focus exclusively on the brainwave entrainment technology, focus on the sensations of your breathing. Pay attention to the effect your thoughts have on your rate of breath and how the more relaxed you become the less affect your thoughts have on you. After a few minutes of this, your brainwaves will passively mimic the entrainment frequencies, syncing more and more with the EquiSync track, guiding you into various states of meditation.

This is just the beginning, you will be amazed with the new you!